Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Singularity Stretches Backwards

This last creature… the Manufactured Newborn, is probably the most peculiar of the four. I don’t really get a sense or feeling from it. It was just… something that happened when I began to draw.

It’s bleak and there’s nothing to offer from it. It’s just a monster with a threat that keeps growing and growing. It reminds me of technology’s potential for misuse. It reminds me of wasted potential. It reminds me of waste, of not being good enough, of being empty inside.

While the Wooden Girl seems to be an entity of control, the Manufactured Newborn feels like an entity of losing control. It’s able to hijack machines, to hack into computers, to completely devastate technology. It takes away our ability to manage ourselves, and forces us into chaos.

I can’t really get a sense of what else it represents yet. This one, I’ll have to think on.

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